We are a Conservative synagogue in West Orange that invites you to learn and pray with us; explore, connect, and find community.
Our congregational family is warmly inclusive. Whatever your age, family structure or story, you have a place at B’nai Shalom.
Visit online and, when possible, on site. Find a home for your spirit and family, your mind and heart.
B’nai Shalom supports full inclusion and participation of individuals having all abilities in both religious and communal life
Bring your tefillin to services. We’ll help you put them on if you don’t know how. Don’t have tefillin? We’ll lend you a pair. • The Men’s Club will provide a light breakfast after morning services are over.
Join the B'nai Shalom Men's Club in the Sylvia & Buddy Edelman Chapel & Library for the Annual World Wide Wrap!
Join the Sisterhood and Men’s Club for a relaxing, fun filled evening playing games.