
"We have never seen or heard," wrote Maimonides, "of a Jewish community without a kuppah (collection box)." Generosity is, and has always been, at the heart of Jewish life.

At B’nai Shalom, we give to sustain and support our congregation. We give to perpetuate the memory of loved ones … to celebrate simchas … to extend wishes for speedy healing … to help those in need … to bring Jewish culture and learning into our lives. We give to create a legacy and leave a "good name."

Each gift says, "I am part of this synagogue family." Each gift makes B’nai Shalom stronger, and is deeply appreciated.

Planned Giving

Here at B’nai Shalom we have formed a planned giving and endowment section to ensure that the community you know and love will benefit from your generosity. Please consider creating your own Jewish legacy to ensure that our B’nai Shalom community continues to thrive now and in the future by:

  • Putting B’nai Shalom in your will or trust as a beneficiary (specific or residual).
  • Making B’nai Shalom a beneficiary of your IRA or other tax-deferred account.
  • Naming B’nai Shalom as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy.

Below is a Letter of Intent form for you to fill out to let B’nai Shalom know that you want to leave a Legacy.

If you have any confidential questions, please feel to call the synagogue office at 973-731-0160.

I want to carry on the tradition of Tzedakah for future generations by providing for the future needs of B’nai Shalom through my estate plans.

Therefore, I have made a decision to,

This Letter of Intent represents my commitment to the continunity of B’nai Shalom.

Sponsor Kiddush

We are proud of the tradition of providing a beautiful and delicious Kiddush each and every Shabbat and Yom Tov after services. It is a time for good food, good friends and lot of kibitzing. Many times it is also a time of celebration of a Simcha. For those occasions we provide many opportunities to enhance or sponsor a Kiddush.

Memorial Plaques

Our memorial plaques are displayed in both the memorial room located at the end of the Legow Loggia as well as in the Lipka Chapel. Each plaque costs $450. To reserve a plaque in advance please contact the office.

Online purchases are safely processed through PayPal. You will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail after completing the transaction. Rabbi Tobin will review each order. Please allow approximately 8 week for delivery. We will contact you once the office receives the engraved plaque.

Name of Deceased:

English Name field is required
Hebrew Name field is required

Hebrew Name of:

Deceased's Father field is required
Deceased's Mother field is required
English Date of Death field is required

Your Information:

Name field is required

Prayer Book Dedication

A beautiful way to honor a special person or create a lasting memory for a loved one is to dedicate a prayer book. Our shul currently uses three different prayer books; Machzor Lev Shalem for the High Holy Days, Siddur Lev Shalom for Shabbat and festivals and Siddur Sim Shalom for weekdays. You may dedicate either Machzor Lev Shalem (used for the High Holy Days) or Siddur Lev Shalem (used for for Shabbat and festivals) The cost for Machzor Lev Shalem is $85 and for Siddur Lev Shalem is $115.

Online donations are safely processed through PayPal. You will automatically receive a confirmation email after completing the transaction. If dedicating 100 or more machzors, please contact Rabbi Tobin in advance.

To contribute online, please fill out the form below in its entirety. You will be asked for your personal information on the PayPal page.
Note: Each entry is limited to 40 characters which includes punctuation and spacing.

Person being honored/memorialized is required
[example: beloved father of Sam Schwartz] You have reached the max amount of characters

Name of donor(s)

Donor Name field is required
You have reached the max amount of characters

If you wish to notify someone of this gift, please include their name and address:

Name field is required if you want to notify someone
Address field is required if you want to notify someone

Machzor Lev Shalem


Siddur Lev Shalem
